Kestävyysjuoksija Joshua Cheptegein kausi on jo nyt paketissa.

It is true that the examinations 210-065 questions & answers can only test what 210-065 questions & answers 300-320 exam we remember instead of what we know. 300-115 exam demo A student with a 300-115 exam demo good memory may find it very easy to 300-320 exam get 210-065 questions & answers high marks before the examinations. All 300-320 exam he 300-115 exam demo needs to do is 300-320 exam 300-320 exam to remember the knowledge from the textbooks. In this situation, it 210-065 questions & answers 300-115 exam demo 210-065 questions & answers 300-320 exam is quite unfair to evaluate 210-065 questions & answers 300-115 exam demo the 300-115 exam demo students only through exams. 300-115 exam demo What is more, 210-065 questions & answers some unexpected accidents may happen to the students such as a high fever or 210-065 questions & answers 210-065 questions & answers a sudden headache; this will affect the final marks. 300-320 exam Since no one can performs stable all the time.

At the same time, they are also helpful to the teachers. The 300-115 exam demo teachers 300-115 exam demo can 210-065 questions & answers get 210-065 questions & answers to know 300-115 exam demo clearly what their students problems are. Then they can get to 300-115 exam demo 300-320 exam change 300-320 exam their teaching plans 300-320 exam and 300-320 exam improve their 300-320 exam teaching 300-320 exam 210-065 questions & answers 300-115 exam demo methods so 300-320 exam as 210-065 questions & answers to help their students study. However, if there 300-115 exam demo are too many examinations, they 210-065 questions & answers 210-065 questions & answers 300-320 exam will do more harm than good to the students. 300-320 exam The examinations will become a heavy burden on the students. 300-115 exam demo Sooner or later the students will 300-115 exam demo get tired of them 210-065 questions & answers and lose interest 300-115 exam demo in studying.In a word, examinations are necessary, but too many are not good. Therefore we should reduce unnecessary examinations.

Ugandalaisen hienosti alkanut kausi sai ikävän käänteen. Cheptegei loukkasi oikean polvensa eikä miestä nähdä enää tänä kesänä tositoimissa.

– Se on tuskallista. Harjoittelin kevyesti, mutta nyt se on hyvin vakavaa, Cheptegei sanoi Daily Monitorille.

21-vuotias juoksijalupaus voitti huhtikuussa kaksi mestaruutta Kansainyhteisön kisoissa Australiassa. Cheptegein mukaan 5000 metrin juoksu meni hyvin, mutta 10 000 metrin kisan aikana hänen jalkavaivansa paheni.

– 5000 metrin aikana polvi oli ok. 10 000 metrin kisassa tilanne paheni. Nyt en voi seisoa tai istua pitkään. Yritän parantua eikä se ole helppoa, Cheptegei harmitteli.

Cheptegei ylsi viime elokuussa Lontoossa MM-hopealle 10 000 metrin kisassa Mo Farahin vanavedessä.