Eurosport kokosi hauskan somevideon tennistähtien parhaista raivokohtauksista Ranskan avoimissa. Videolla nähdään, kuinka monella eri tavalla mailat saivat kyytiä epäonnistumisen hetkellä.

Sometimes, luck plays a vital role in 300-075 study guides 300-075 study guides the examinations. The student may guess an answer right although he doesnt work hard 300-135 dumps on the course. If the student 200-310 exam has a 300-075 study guides 300-135 dumps good 200-310 exam 300-075 study guides handwriting, 200-310 exam he 300-135 dumps may 300-075 study guides get 300-135 dumps higher marks than others. There are many subjective factors that 300-075 study guides 300-075 study guides may affect the outcome 300-135 dumps 300-075 study guides 200-310 exam of 200-310 exam the exams.In 200-310 exam a word, it is not 300-135 dumps enough to use exams to evaluate the students. If the 300-135 dumps schools 300-075 study guides 300-135 dumps want 200-310 exam to assess the students, they shouldd use 300-135 dumps different 200-310 exam 300-075 study guides ways. Only in this 200-310 exam way, 200-310 exam the result may be fair.

At the same time, they are also helpful to the teachers. 300-135 dumps 300-075 study guides 300-075 study guides The teachers can 200-310 exam get to know clearly 300-075 study guides what 200-310 exam their students problems are. Then they 300-135 dumps 200-310 exam can get 300-135 dumps to change their teaching plans 300-135 dumps and improve their teaching methods so as to help their students study. 200-310 exam However, 300-075 study guides if there are too 200-310 exam 300-075 study guides many 300-135 dumps examinations, they will do more harm 300-075 study guides than good to the students. The examinations 300-135 dumps will become a heavy burden on the students. Sooner 300-135 dumps or later the students will get tired of them and lose interest in studying.In a word, examinations 200-310 exam are necessary, but too many are not good. Therefore we should reduce unnecessary examinations.

Tennis on laji, joka koettelee usein viileimmänkin ammattilaisen hermoja. Toistuvat epäonnistumiset kuuluvat lajiin, eikä lähettyvillä ole usein mitään muuta tapaa purkaa turhautumista kuin tuhota maila säpäleiksi.

Mailat saivatkin kokea Ranskan jättiturnauksessa niin ankaraa käsittelyä, ettei välinevalmistajilla ollut varaa ottaa ylimääräistä vapaapäivää.

Katso alta Eurosportin huvittava kooste parhaista mailankuritushetkistä Roland Garrosin turnauksessa.